[eBook] The Top Digital Retail Forms for the Holiday Season

Simplify the busiest time of year for your retail business with digital forms

Retail forms vary depending on your business, but paper documents all end up the same way: an inefficient mess. From managing inventory and customer satisfaction to employee wages and rotating schedules, retail businesses have a plethora of logistics to monitor and maintain. Introducing digital retail forms to your day-to-day operations presents your business with a powerful resource for improving productivity, efficiency, and customer experience, by:

  • Eliminating physical record-keeping

  • Compiling data digitally in a centralized location, in real-time

  • Auto-filling connected platforms with collected data

  • Capturing customer feedback in a streamlined manner

…and much more!

GoFormz is the only digital form platform available that preserves the original look and feel of your existing retail forms – allowing your retail business to streamline user adoption, preserve formatting requirements, capture customer engagement, and so much more. For the retail industry, there are a multitude of ways online forms can be used to further streamline your retail operations.

Within this eBook, we’ll explore some of the most popular digital retail forms for the holiday season, along with features and fields that can be used to further boost your data collection and data integrity, as well as additional resources to help kickstart a digital transformation within your business.