[eBook] 5 Essential Digital Forms for Beauty and Wellness Businesses

Digitally transform your beauty and wellness business with digital forms

The beauty and wellness industry spans a wide array of product and service offerings. From hair salons and local gyms to global makeup stores and cosmetology schools, introducing digital solutions, like digital form providers or operational data management platforms, can add immense value to your business!

Digital forms present healthcare operations with a powerful resource for improving productivity, efficiency, and customer care, by: 

  • Eliminating paper forms and physical record-keeping

  • Removing manual form delivery with access to forms online

  • Ensuring critical forms, data, and authorizations are collected

  • Accessing forms and data in real-time

  • Automatically populating connected systems with form data

…and so much more!

Whether your beauty and wellness business uses a cumbersome personal training intake form, inefficient paper invoices, or an aged call-to-schedule appointment method, GoFormz is the one-stop-shop to digitize all your business processes. For everything from eSignature to Automated Workflows, there are features and functionalities at your fingertips to improve the paper processes in your business today.

Within this eBook, we’ll explore some of the most popular digital forms used within GoFormz for the health, beauty, and wellness industries, features and fields that can be used to boost your data collection, and additional resources to help kickstart a digital transformation within your business.