Are women doing enough to support each other in the mortgage industry?

Executive on how women building each other up can help ensure a more equitable and fair space

Are women doing enough to support each other in the mortgage industry?

Canada’s mortgage industry is full of inspirational woman executives who’ve blazed a trail to the top of their game through talent, perseverance and hard work – but for those women who are just starting out on their mortgage journey, what are the secrets to following in their footsteps?

One of the most important ways women can prepare for success in the mortgage industry is by developing the right mindset, according to Natasha Bridgmohan (pictured), president and chief visionary officer at the Bridg Group of Companies.

Approaching things with a positive attitude, and being able to withstand the inevitable setbacks that will occur along the way, were fundamental to Bridgmohan’s own evolution in the industry.

“Be the commander of your ship. That’s the most important thing. Take control of your mindset,” she told Canadian Mortgage Professional. “I think emotional intelligence is the key for success – being able to compartmentalize your day to day is really, really [important]. We all have challenges. We have work-life balance challenges, we have family challenges, health challenges, financial challenges.

“And being an entrepreneur there, you’re going to receive more noes than yeses. So be able to have the right mindset… attitude, assertiveness, accountability. Those are the three core areas in building a foundation as a young entrepreneur – once you have that foundation built, you can crush anything.”

Upcoming event to bring together women of the industry

Bridgmohan is set to moderate a panel on empowering women in mortgage at CMP’s upcoming Women in Mortgage Summit, scheduled for June 5 at the Carlu Toronto.

That conversation will see well-known industry figures Christine Buemann (The Collective Mortgage Group), Ruvani Henriques (Glasslake Funding), Elena Robinson (First National Financial), and Lauren van den Berg (Mortgage Professionals Canada) discuss the best ways to support women to lead, scale, and grow their businesses for future success.

For Bridgmohan, the importance of women in the industry sharing their lessons and experiences with others can’t be understated.

“I think everybody has their different journey, their different experience. I’m always a lifelong learner and student of learning, and I’m always looking to learn from those who know better than I [do] in certain areas,” she said. “I’ve also humbled myself to understand and experience their version and their approach and how they handle and tackle things.

“It’s all about the journey, and welcoming the journey and experience because everyone sees things different – and that’s what makes the world a beautiful place.”

How can the mortgage industry become a more equitable space?

Perceptions of the mortgage industry may be slowly changing – but the reality is that it remains a space unevenly weighted towards men, particularly in positions of power and prominence.

For Bridgmohan, that reality makes it doubly important for women to group together and support each other in the industry – celebrating success and sharing best practices to make the next move forward.

“I think the first step we need to do as women is talk about each other. That’s the simple baseline: talk about each other, uplifting one another instead of having that ‘crabs in the bucket’ philosophy where we’re trying to pull each other down,” she said. “That’s the first thing.

“The second is spreading awareness. We live in the world of social media, instant gratification, instant notification. So spread awareness about our industry – about our profession, about each other – which is really key for success.”

Thirdly, self-branding is essential. “Surround yourself with industry stakeholders that will uplift us and really propel [us] as women in the mortgage industry,” she said.

The event will offer women the opportunity to network, make new connections and, crucially, lift each other up in the industry – steps Bridgmohan said were essential to furthering the cause of equality in the mortgage sector.

“I think if we all come together and huddle in our own football team… we can continue to make changes in the mortgage industry and become a powerhouse – because it’s dominated by males, and that is something that I really want to have, that equality, balance, and continuing to thrive.”

Canadian Mortgage Professional’s Women in Mortgage Summit takes place at the Carlu Toronto on June 5. Be sure to follow all our exclusive coverage of the event by subscribing to our free daily newsletter – and find out more about the event here.