Monday, May 6, 2024 | The Latest Buzz for the Appraisal Industry

Housing Finance, Technology, and the Future of the Appraisal Industry

Today’s Buzzcast interview is with Dave Stevens, CEO of Mountain Lake Consulting and Luke Tomaszewski, CEO of Proxy Pics. We sat down with Dave, Luke, and Joan Trice, Founder of Allterra Group, LLC to discuss the 3,000 foot view on housing finance, what’s happening next in the appraisal industry, and learning more about the future of technology in the appraisal industry.

What does housing finance impact currently when it comes to the appraisal industry? What does this mean for the future of the appraisal industry? How is new technology shaping appraisers directly in the field? These questions and much more will be answered between Dave, Luke, and Joan as they dive into this subject.

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