2021: Transformative Year for Commercial Appraisal

A Happy New Year, from us at realquantum to you.
Happy New Year from Realquantum
Jeff Weiner

Jeff Weiner

CEO & Co-Founder | Transforming Commercial Real Estate Valuation | B2B SaaS Product Innovator | Creating Amazing Software from Zero to Scale | Longevity Enthusiast

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2021 Was a Transformative Year for Commercial Appraisal and Realquantum

The year 2021 has been a whirlwind year for us all. It started off with hard work, recovering from the unprecedented events of 2020. Back then, we were just looking forward to a return to normalcy. Little did we know that COVID variants,  supply chain challenges and more would impact the way we now view that term “normal”.

Hard Work

Despite the ongoing challenges the commercial real estate industry has faced, our team and our customers have found ways to thrive, grow, and overcome. The sheer volume of appraisal work has been impressive. First, volume is being driven by low interest rates and significant investment dollars chasing deals. Then, there are generational economic shifts impacting the retail, industrial, office, residential, and pretty much every other property type. Our customers have been BUSY. It’s been incredible to see all the hard work by everyone. Here at Realquantum, we’ve been busy keeping up with demand as well. Therefore, we’ve been hiring (though it has been challenging). Also, we’ve been seeing our customers do the same. Did we mention we’re all REALLY busy?


Innovative Spirit

Throughout the year, I have been consistently impressed with the innovative spirit of our customers. Their dedication to the appraisal profession and incredibly hard work are inspiring to everyone at Realquantum. Appraisers want to get more done and turn their hard work into measurable profits. Plus, they want to do it all with as much efficiency as possible.  It’s been great to watch each of our customers work towards achieving those goals as we help them along the way. I’m excited to see how they continue to grow in 2022. Life in a technology startup company in real estate gives me a front-row seat to the innovation occurring across this vast industry. I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to help our customers truly thrive in their commercial real estate appraisal businesses.

As another transformative year for commercial appraisal comes to a close, I also want to thank each and every customer. Thank you to each webinar attendee, social media follower, blog reader, and supporter for being a part of the Realquantum community this year. We couldn’t do what we do best without you. From the whole team at Realquantum, we want to wish you all a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.

Best Wishes,


Jeff Weiner

Realquantum CEO

Ready to see how you can be more successful and efficient in the new year?  Realquantum helps commercial real estate appraisers eliminate tedious manual work and increase revenue 50% within 60 days. Sign up for a demo today.


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