Saturday, May 4, 2024 | The Latest Buzz for the Appraisal Industry

Recession Proofing Your Appraisal Business

Today’s Buzzcast interview is with Blaine Feyen, Chief Evangelist at True Footage. We sat down with Blaine and Joan Trice, Founder of Allterra Group, LLC, to discuss the panel he will be hosting, “Recession Proofing Your Appraisal Business” at Valuation Expo on September 7th at 10 am. Anyone with a Trade Show Pass or higher has access to this course!

How can trainees be beneficial in recession proofing your appraisal business? What can appraisers learn when it comes a recession? What exactly needs to be done to not only survive but thrive during changing markets? These questions and much more will be answered between Blaine and Joan as they dive into this subject.

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