Good to Know.®, Home Selling, Homebuying, Homeowner Tips

Getting ready to Pack? Check out these tips!

Don’t forget to get ready for packing with some preparation! 

Before you begin packing it’s important to do a little prep to help with the packing process, consider doing these steps before the packing starts:

1. Shop around for movers.

You want to make sure you get the best price for the best quality.

2. Declutter and downsize 

Unwanted or unneeded will making packing unnecessarily difficult so start there and slim your items so you can pack less.

3. Invest in quality moving boxes. 

This will pay off when you are not worrying about if your boxes are breaking or the items inside them.

It’s time to pack!

Packing can be pretty overwhelming and stressful so here are a few great tips to help you make your moving process go as smoothly as possible.

1. Pack like items together. 

Pack smarter not harder. Putting items together that you would have together will help unpacking go more quickly and help prevent you from misplacing items.

2. Label each box by room and by its contents.

This will be a huge help in ensuring all the items for each room are together and allow you to place the boxes in the correct room they will need to be unpacked in.

3. Pack a box of essentials.

Think, screwdrivers, hammers, snacks, drinks, paper plates, plastic utensils and cups, a first-aid kit, medications, etc., any items you will need to help you unpack and ensure you can eat while unpacking! 

4. Refrain from filling boxes as tightly as you can. 

This prevents boxes from breaking, damaging items within the box, and making them too heavy to carry.

5. Pack least used items first.  

This will be majorly helpful in preventing you from having to unpack things you have already packed and create more work.

6. Instruct movers to put boxes in the center of the room.

This will make it much easier to unpack the room and assemble it how you would like.

7. Pack a moving essentials bag for everyone in the house.

This should include, toiletries, a change of clothing, and anything else you might need imminently after moving in. This should include bedding for everyone in the household. 

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