We live in an amazing time with unprecedented tools and technology, writes Jimmy Burgess. By tapping into the leverage these tools provide, your business can’t help but grow.

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This post was updated May 30, 2024.

Leveraging technology to run your business efficiently has never been easier. This list may have the one or two tools you need for your best year ever.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT could possibly be the most impactful tool created for real estate agents in the last twenty years. This artificial intelligence chatbot was introduced to the general public in November of 2022 and quickly garnered the attention of real estate professionals due to the ability to positively impact so many areas of the business.

It can write compelling listing descriptions blog content, social media posts, video scripts, and so much more. The speed and accuracy with which it produces answers to questions increase the efficiency of agents to an incredibly high level. It is currently free to anyone visiting their website that creates an account.

ChatGPT is a must for the agent looking to increase their efficiency and quality of work. The number of options for using it can develop and the impact it will have on our overall industry is probably underestimated at this time.

2. Testimonial Tree

Testimonial Tree makes it easy for agents to collect testimonials from clients and to automatically share them online. After the sale, Testimonial Tree sends a text with your branding requesting the client to leave a review on the sites you choose to focus on.

Not only do they collect the reviews, but they also provide social graphics of the reviews making it easy for agents to share them on social media.

Social proof is crucial for consistent business growth and Testimonial Tree systemizes the process.

3. BombBomb

BombBomb allows you to put a human touch to your emails and texts through video messaging. By embedding the video in emails BombBomb helps increase your email open rates and create more instant connections. Options for usage include video emails introducing yourself to new leads, weekly listing updates to your customers, and simple “thinking of you” messages. These are a few great ways to build relationships faster and with more depth.

The screen record option shows you in the corner with your screen in the background. This is a great way to go over contracts, share details of a new listing, or provide video unsolicited CMAs.

If you’re looking to connect with your clients and prospects in a personal way that sets you apart from your competition, BombBomb is the tool for you.

4. BoxBrownie.com

BoxBrownie provides photo editing, virtual staging, floor plan redraws, and renderings at affordable prices. Looking for a day-to-dusk image enhancement? They’ve got you covered. Need to bring life to photos of a vacant room? They can provide photos with virtual staging. Were the counters in the kitchen cluttered when the photos were taken? They can remove it from the photos via editing.

BoxBrownie.com helps your photo marketing come to life.

5. Keeping Current Matters

Keeping Current Matters (KCM) provides agents with the latest market insights in easy-to-share social media graphics, videos, and blog posts. They curate market statistics and opinions from market experts and then present them in a way that helps agents set themselves apart as the go-to expert for real estate market insights.

Keeping Current Matters is a must-have for professional agents looking to share the best insights in the industry with their clients and prospects.

6. Homebot

Homebot delivers personalized, actionable insights with your branding to homeowners via a monthly overview of their home as an asset. The detailed report covers valuation updates, an equity summary, options on leveraging the equity, and cash-out refinance or HELOC options.

The overwhelming value the monthly reports provide helps the agent stay top of mind when the time comes for the homeowner to make a move themselves or the opportunity arises for them to send the agent a referral.

7. CapCut

The value of quality video on social media continues to accelerate. CapCut is a smart tool that makes video editing easy. A few of the easy-to-use features include speech-to-text caption creation, background removal, video resizing, vertical formatting of horizontal video for specific social media platforms, background music, and so much more.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one video editor for social posts, CapCut is your solution.

8. Clip-on ring light for your phone

Lighting is essential for producing quality photos and videos. But it isn’t always available. Small clip-on ring lights for your phone provide an inexpensive solution to a common problem. This tool is available on Amazon, and it easily solves the common problem of poor lighting.

9. RedX

RedX provides contact information for homeowners and targeted prospect lists. These lists of homeowners and contact information are segmented into specific targeted groups saving time and effort for the agent. These segments include expired listings, for sale by owners (FSBOs), for rent by owners (FRBOs), pre-foreclosures, and geo-targeted areas like communities or farm areas.

RedX is the tool for the agent focusing on growing his business through outbound phone calls.

10. Spacio

Spacio provides a solution for capturing lead information digitally at open houses. The lead capture forms are customizable with automated follow-up after the open house available as well. Once the lead’s information is entered, it can be automatically integrated into your database.

This is a great tool for agents hosting open houses.

11. Audience.co

If you truly believe this is a relationship business, then the ability to personalize communication should be a priority. Audience.co utilizes a robot arm to hold an ink pen for “wet ink” notes that provide personalization and connection at scale. The service also includes addressing the envelope in the same way, attaching a stamp, and sending the personalized notes for you.

This is a great tool for the agent looking to build more and better relationships.

12. Mile IQ

Mile IQ is a mileage-tracking app that runs in the background on your phone making it easy to track business mileage. Whether at the end of the drive or sometime in the future, a simple swipe to the right marks the trip as a business trip and a swipe to the left marks it as personal.

The detailed reports remove the headache of reporting mileage for tax purposes at the end of the year.

13. Canva for real estate

Creating eye-catching, professional visual content is made easy through Canva. Specific real estate templates for social media graphics, just listed postcards, or real estate flyers make this the tool of choice for agents looking to step up their graphic design game.

14. TurboScan

TurboScan is an app that allows you to scan documents on the go via your smartphone. This is a tool that saves time in a market environment where a few minutes could mean the difference in your client’s offer being accepted or missing out on their dream home.

15. Forewarn

Forewarn is an app that provides a background check prior to face-to-face meetings. In a world where safety is a priority, Forewarn provides an invaluable service to the real estate industry.

16. Hootsuite

Hootsuite gives you the ability to schedule and publish your social media content to all your social profiles from one platform. The scheduling aspect provides consistency in posting that is often hard to achieve in our businesses. The reporting and analysis of your posts that it provides is a great way to compare the engagement and effectiveness of posts to identify what your audience responds to most.

If you’re looking to improve your social media engagement, consistency, and overall online presence, Hootsuite is the tool for you.

17. ShowingTime

ShowingTime automates the showing request process and feedback follow-up after the showing. The service includes a 24/7 personalized showing service freeing agents up to focus on higher value, income-producing activities.

If you’re looking to increase your efficiency, ShowingTime is a great place to start.

18. Coffee & Contracts

Coffee & Contracts is a one-stop shop for marketing resources agents can use to thrive online. With thousands of templated real estate social media content and fresh content created every month, this is the place for agents looking to take their social media presence and engagement to the next level.

19. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is the video editing software for the agent looking to take the quality of their video production to the highest level possible. This is the software top professionals use when quality is a priority.

20. Audible

Whether you’re looking to listen to audiobooks, your favorite podcasts, or exclusive original content, Audible has you covered. It is a great app for agents looking to grow their knowledge on the go.

21. Calendly

Calendly is a scheduling automation platform that eliminates the back-and-forth emailing to find a time that is convenient for both parties to meet. With over 10,000,000 users worldwide, this is another great tool for the agent looking to increase efficiency.

22. Waze

Waze is a mobile navigation app that drivers use for live maps and to get real-time traffic updates. With the amount of time agents spend on the road, the ability to avoid traffic delays helps agents increase their productivity.

23. Quickbooks

Quickbooks allows you to keep track of all financial functions of your real estate business. Tracking your income, expenses, and net profit is a great way to make sure you are running your business instead of your business running you.

We live in an amazing time with unprecedented tools and technology. By tapping into the leverage these tools provide, your business can’t help but grow.

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