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Are you interested in getting appraisal services for your property in Toronto? It’s important to make sure that its value is being determined by the most qualified appraiser. Here are some questions to ask prospective appraisal firms before you hire one:

  1. Appraisal ServicesHas your company appraised many properties in my area?
    This is an absolutely crucial question to ask when selecting an appraiser. You can even follow it up by asking where their office is located so you can evaluate their geographical competency and market understanding.

    Some of the best appraisal firms are situated outside of downtown Toronto, but regularly appraise homes and commercial properties in a large part of the Greater Toronto Area, including Toronto, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Markham, Thornhill, King, Aurora, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Newmarket, Uxbridge, Bradford-West Gwillimbury, East Gwillimbury, Brampton, Mississauga, Ajax, Whitby, Oakville, Pickering, Oshawa, Bowmanville, and Courtice.

  2. How long have you been providing appraisal services?
    You can’t go wrong with a full-time appraiser or a company whose sole focus is providing appraisal services. They are more likely to keep up with the ever-changing market trends than their part-time counterparts.

    Experts also recommend hiring someone with at least a couple of years of appraisal experience for a basic property, and at least a few years of experience for more complex real estate—such as those with unusual or unique details. Examples include farms, significant land acreage, waterfront/ocean view homes, etc.

  3. Who are your other clients?
    it’s a good idea to choose appraisal firms in the Greater Toronto Area that are trusted not only by individual clients but also by corporate clients. Some of the best ones are regularly hired by regional companies, financial firms, lenders, and law firms to provide appraisals for their clients, to facilitate legal actions, real estate transactions, and more.
  4. What types of appraisals do you provide?
    A good appraisal company can offer various services depending on the property, including full-service appraisals, narrative appraisals, and drive-by appraisals (quick valuations that present market value as a range).
  5. Are you certified?
    Certified appraisers are trained to provide appraisal services for all property types and values. You can’t go wrong with team of experts who have certifications from the Appraisal Institute of Canada.

About Tim Ross

Tim Ross has extensive experience and expertise in the complete appraisal of consultancy services. He is not only certified but also has a piece of in-depth knowledge about the industry. He loves to share his knowledge and insights on various social media channels. He currently resides in the Greater Toronto Area.

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