Truv Now Integrated with BeSmartee


Truv, a provider of income, employment and asset verification solutions, is now integrated with BeSmartee, a provider of point-of-sale (POS) software for mortgage lenders.

The integration will automate manual verification processes and transform the mortgage experience for lenders and borrowers with easier mortgage approvals, heightened data transparency and faster closings.

Through their aligned missions to streamline the mortgage process and reduce costs for lenders, BeSmartee’s Bright POS is unlocking the power of Truv’s consumer-permissioned data to deliver lenders a cost-effective, all-in-one platform.

“Our partnership with Truv elevates BeSmartee’s mission of transforming borrowers into data verifiers vs. data providers,” says Tim Nyguen, co-founder and CEO of BeSmartee, in a release. “Truv and Bright POS also put the power in originators’ hands.” He added, “Loan officers can capture a borrower in seconds, verify income and employment in seconds, and zoom to the closing table with more confidence and less legwork for all players in the process.”

“Truv’s integration with Bright POS is paving the way for mortgage lenders to tap into unparalleled cost savings and enhanced profitability,” adds Kirill Klokov, co-founder and CEO of Truv. “By merging Truv’s market-leading data with the easy-to-use platform, lenders have the opportunity to leverage decreased friction in the mortgage process, significantly increase conversion and drive loan volume.”

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